Friday, February 18, 2011

Chapter 2

While reading chapter two (like every reader, I'm sure), God has put on my heart through Ann the importance and life-lifting affect of thanksgiving. How when I give thanks to God for every single blessing, no matter how simple or how grand, it's like weight is lifted off of me. Before the meaning of Eucharisteo graced my mind, I hadn't thought much about the joy that can come from just being thankful.

In the video for this chapter, Ann and her friends talked about the beautiful idea of in a journal, writing down your thankful thoughts and taking the time to mention randomly contemplated blessings in your life. Aside from writing them down, simply prayerfully giving thanks to God.

I'm already excited to find the places my new-found joy will take me in my spiritual journey. I'm praying God will bless me with the courage and confidence to share with everyone around me His grace and the joy that will have been stirring all through my body since Eucharisteo made its way into my life.